IBK Trade was founded in 1992 in Prague. We specialize in importing, processing, packaging and distribution of a wide range of nuts, dried fruits, seeds and chocolate dipped products.
In our roasting and packing plants in Horní Cerkev, we process over 80 kinds of raw materials and we supply market with more than 1 000 products. All products are sold either in original packaging for further processing by other manufacturers or are processed and packaged by our company in various volumes. Our customers are food stores – from small shops to large multinational chains.
We use advanced production technology and top machines worth millions and offer wide range of options and experience in the area of food processing.
Quality management system - International Food Standard guarantees constant increase in the quality of offered products and the value of services provided. Our primary goal is customer satisfaction. We are a reliable partner to both our customers and the end-consumer.
Seat of the company
Dolanská 7/337 161 00 Praha |
Fax: + 420 565 396 308 E-mail: info@ibk-trade.cz |
IČO: 47590882 DIČ: CZ520330059 |
Sale | Customer service |
Ing. Jiří Rančák | Marta Bartoňová |
j.rancak@ibk-trade.cz | m.bartonova@ibk-trade.cz |
Customer service | |
Jana Kačerovská | |
j.kacerovska@ibk-trade.cz | |
Economics department | |
Veronika Fialová | |
v.fialova@ibk-trade.cz | |
Purchase department | Purchase department |
Martin Skočdopole | Ing. Michal Straka |
m.skocdopole@ibk-trade.cz | m.straka@ibk-trade.cz |
Purchase department transport |
Filip Ernest | |
f.ernest@ibk-trade.cz |
Warehouse, packing and roasting plant
Havlíčkova 157 |
Phone: + 420 565 396 180 |
Technical and production manager | Administration department and human resources |
Ing. Lukáš Kratochvíl | Pavla Nikodýmová |
l.kratochvil@ibk-trade.cz | p.nikodymova@ibk-trade.cz |
Quality department | Transport and logistics |
Ilona Matiášková | Petr Tomšík |
i.matiaskova@ibk-trade.cz | p.tomsik@ibk-trade.cz |
Warehouse | Warehouse |
Zdeněk Nadrchal | Ing. Zdeněk Plášil |
+ 420 775 756 748 | + 420 775 929 929 |
z.nadrchal@ibk-trade.cz | z.plasil@ibk-trade.cz |
Thanks for your feedback
Copyright ©2015-2025: IBK Trade
Dolanská 7/337
161 00 Prague
Czech Republic
Fax: + 420 565 396 308
E-mail: info@ibk-trade.cz
IČO: 07361092
DIČ: CZ07361092